
Join The Challenge with Aotearoa

In July 2019, over a quarter of a million New Zealanders took part – swapping single-use plastics for alternative solutions.

This year Auckland Council are encouraging everyone to join – as part of a global effort for our oceans, communities, and wildlife.

New Zealand aims towards a circular economy; “waste not want not”.

Plastic Free July is a worldwide challenge with 250 million participants in 177 countries.

Simple swaps are just the beginning of the shift we need to see, this step is crucial; those who will swap items will more likely take second thoughts on a more regular basis when it comes to consuming plastics.

This July is specifically a good time to research and find alternatives that are easily made permanent, as well as pinpoint items we are in need of making alternatives for. Big Live World are excited to see the impact this personal challenge takes, and encourage this pro-active mindset for a new everyday approach!

Read article by Auckland Council:
Plastic Free July 2020: sign up now »

Author: Alyssa Witte

Hello I am Alyssa — awareness is just the start to a toxic free world! I am excited to be able to shop while still making an impact to reduce harmful plastic waste.